
40's Champion College T-shirts

40's カレッジTシャツBig runners tag
First time i saw a 40's Champion T and moreover quite good condition!!
It's incredible!!


Anachronorm 11s/s

Spring has come!!
Coat ANC-005 " Hakeme Chambray"
Tops ANR-024"Oxford B.D"
PantsANC-010"5 Pocket Denim Slim

They first time release called 'slim denim'
It must be one of their new standard model!


Gregory Sunbird Series


Gregory Sunbird Series is sort of their heritage collection.
Sunbird is a name of thier company before starting Gregory.
Sunbird series is arranged an original design using a classic body material(cotton 40% and 60% polyester), the ladder lock, and eight rings, etc. that were reminiscent at that time.
I got it in Leftfoot Cineleisure.


New Era 8-Panel BB Cap

My favourite caps!!
8-panel BB Cap
New Era Jp have released 8panel collection in last year or two years ago.
This shape is more rounded than 59FIFTY.
Sizes are from 7 to 8.
Brooklyn Dodgers
New York Yankees

They also release some other teams such as Chicago White Sox,
Washington Senators, New York Giants and more!!



There are 3 color black,navy and red.
This is a navy one.
Each color is 300 pairs only.